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One of the newest trends in dog breeding is to breed ‘designer dogs’ that people will pay a fortune for.

The sad reality of the designer dog market is that neither of the breeds that are mixed is sold for nearly what the mix of the two is marketed for and there are a lot of claims made that usually aren’t true.

Dogs mixed with poodles, for example, are not guaranteed to be hypoallergenic and non-shedding.

The puppies will have the genetics of both parents and the genes that dictate the type of coat the puppy has are simply a roll of the dice. It could go either way.

Any mixes of dogs work a bit like this. You take the genes from dog A and the genes from dog B and toss them all in a pot.

Now you pull out enough to make a dog without looking. You get what you get.

If you cross Labradors with poodles, you may get some that look like poodles, some that look like Labradors, some that look like a bit of both and you will have no idea at all who got which traits when it comes to health issues, temperament, etc.

Some mixed don’t happen on purpose and some dogs are considered ‘mutts’ because of years and years of breeding with various breeds.

The reality of mixed breed dogs is that they tend to be healthier than many purebred dogs. The main reason behind this is that there are more types of genes to choose from when the puppy is formed as a fetus.

The genes can compete with each other in a way.

Dominant genes will tend to be the ones that always win when there is a choice.

Recessive genes are called that because they aren’t dominant and they may be carried from generations long ago but suddenly pop up – like blue eyes.

These are considered recessive genes most of the time.

They appear in some breeds more than others because if two dogs with the same recessive genes are bred together, the odds of the recessive gene being passed to puppies is more likely.

Breeders know that certain types of dogs shouldn’t be bred to each other because the likelihood of genetic flaws is greater.

For example, in Australian shepherds, if you breed a merle to a merle, which refers to the color scheme of their coat, there is a very high likelihood of producing puppies that are blind and/or deaf and mostly white.

Sadly, these puppies are often euthanized shortly after birth.

Natural Selection Does a Better Job

Mankind often manipulates gene pools to create pure breeds of dogs. We’ve created many breeds of working dogs, hunting dogs, toy breeds, and more.

These animals are selectively bred to make the traits they are known for becoming more common and heightened.

Hunting dogs are selected for those who have the best ability to track with their nose. Sled dogs are bred with their ability to work, stay healthy, and the best size in mind.

Unfortunately, the more people have gotten involved with breeding dogs, the more we see things like Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and hip dysplasia that are passed genetically. Natural selection, when left to its own devices, is a far better breeder than mankind.

A stray dog that has a genetic make-up from possibly hundreds of different breeds will be healthier and carrier the strongest of the genetic traits from all of these ancestors.

Only the strong survive. This is nature’s way. The smarter dogs that can adapt and survive in the hardest of circumstances will go on to reproduce and give birth to puppies that are healthier, stronger, and very intelligent.

As you can see, there are arguments both for and against mixed breed dogs. When they happen accidentally, they can be cute and unexpected personalities that fill your life with joy.

Dogs, no matter what their genetics are, all share one thing in common – their strong bond with mankind. This may go back to the days of cave people who moved like nomads, following the herds of animals that meant food for them through the winter.

We know the dogs of that time, the ancestors of our dogs today, followed these cave people because their bones have been found in the same locations as cave dwellers.

It is likely that they had a symbiotic relationship and this was the beginning of a friendship that has lasted since the beginnings of mankind.

Owning a Mixed Corgi-Husky

Whether you’ve found a puppy or an adult mixed-breed dog to bring home, you’ve chosen a dog that will most likely be a very hearty and long-lived dog. Mixed breeds tend to live a very long time and are usually free of the worst genetic problems that can befall the pure breeds.

You will find yourself a bit baffled with some behaviors which will pop up from time to time and are probably the result of some hound in the history, or nipping that may be a trait inherited from a herding breed ancestor.

There are many instinctual behaviors that can show themselves in mixed breed dogs.

Corgi-husky mix dogs will be very hearty and can range in height a great deal because Corgis are a short-legged herding dog that is robustly built.

They are sturdy, thick-bodied, and have happy temperaments. They are fierce about the herding and will work with incredible stamina.

They can be very competitive and as a pet, these dogs will chase a ball at top speed and nip at each other, trying to get the best position to win the prized ball in the game of fetch.

Corgis have a thick coat, plumed tails, and erect ears. They have brown eyes most typically. They are highly intelligent as most herding breeds are. Corgis can be a challenging breed at times because they can be quite active.

Huskies are a Siberian breed so they have a very thick coat and are best suited to cooler to cold climates. Huskies are problem solvers, known for their intellectual abilities. Huskies can open gates, doors, cupboards, and more.

They should be physically locked into yards or they absolutely will let themselves out. Huskies are climbers too.

They have been known to find their way to the roof of the house, or climb onto the top of a shed for a view of the neighborhood, or to use that as a launching pad into the neighbor’s yard.

A mix of these breeds should produce a dog that is of medium height and no more than 50 pounds on the high end.

This mix will be intelligent, have a very hard work ethic, be active, have a thick coat, and need a lot of exercise.

They may have traits of both breeds. The need to herd and nip may show itself at a very young age. If so, work with a trainer and learn how to control and inhibit this trait because it can become problematic if let go.

Huskies are strong and love to run. They have incredible stamina and are very robust as well. Not an overly large dog, they were bred to be smaller than the malamute as a sled dog that could last longer.

The bigger the dog, the faster they wear-out. Huskies seem to never wear out completely and in order to keep them happy and out of trouble, a lot of exercises are in order.

A mix of husky might be less likely to open doors and gates but you should be aware that they potentially can.

These two breeds combine for a happy-go-lucky dog that loves to move. They are a medium sized dog with a thick coat that will require brushing daily and potentially a couple of trips to the groomer each year to have their undercoat blown-out.

Shedding will be heavy. Huskies are howlers and can be very vocal. Corgis can be barky. This can be seen as cute by owners or as a problem.

Again, training early on, combined with plenty of exercise is going to help you to keep this mixed breed very well behaved. Exercise is truly critical.

Both of these breeds can have hip problems or eye problems and sometimes genetics for seizure activity are present, but with a mix of the two breeds, the likelihood of this happening is lower.

You can expect your dog to have a life of anywhere from 12 to 15 years on average and they should be good with children and other family pets.

Neither breed has any particular aggression issues but obedience training and early socialization are important to establish this from the beginning for any dog.

Make sure that you do not use any product for fleas that contains Ivermectin. No herding breed should ever have ivermectin as it is known to cause seizures and possible death, only in herding breeds. With a Corgi mix you should err on the side of caution and make sure that you speak with your veterinarian about this.